Sunday, December 6, 2009

Outside Beauty by Cynthia Kadohata

Read by Sue Jean Kim
ISBN: 978-0-743-572101
Audioworks, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, NY 2008
Running Time: Approx. 6 hours

Plot Summary

Thirteen-year-old Shelby and her three sisters (Marilyn, 15, Lakey, 8, and Maddie 6) are being raised by their beautiful but unconventional mother. They each have different fathers and their mother Helen lives on her beauty and wits to attract new lovers. Yet she is not a bad mother; the girls all adore her and get along with one another (Shelby is "in charge of" Maddie and Lakey has Marilyn to watch over). However, their mother Helen is injured in an accident and the girls must each go and live with their respective fathers while their mother recuperates.

Critical Evaluation

I liked the originality of this story and how the girls knew how to fend for themselves. However, the mother never seems to learn that there are more important things in life than being beautiful and attracting men. The main character, Shelby, is more perceptive at age thirteen than her mom.

Reader's Annotation

Helen is beautiful and draws men to her like honey, but is she a responsible mom to her four daughters by four different men?

Author's Info

Cynthia Kadohata is the Newbery-award-winning author of Kira -Kira and other YA novels such as Weedflower (which won the 2007 PEN Literary Award for Children's Literature). She has also written novels for adults including The Floating World. She has published short stories in literary journals including the New Yorker and Grand Street. She lives in Covina, CA.


realistic YA novel

No Curriculum Ties

Booktalking Ideas

1. Shelby's feelings for her father change during the course of the book. How does he change in response?

2. Why do the girls run away and do they really think they can get away from their fathers?

Reading / Interest Level

Middle school through high school for both (the main character is a little young for high school age but I still think they could relate to Shelby and her sisters).

Challenge Issues and Defense

The girls' mother uses her beauty to attract men

The book makes it obvious that this isn't a good plan for a stable life

Library's collection development plan

Award-winning YA author

Why I Included This Book

A well-written book by an award-winning author although this book is not her best.

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