Saturday, December 5, 2009

Pay It Forward by Catherine R. Hyde

ISBN: 978-0-743-41202-5
Simon & Schuster, NY 2000 (first edition) 1999
320 pages

I watched the 2000Warner Bros. movie starring Kevin Spacey, Helen Hunt and Haley Joel Osment.

Plot Summary

Trevor is a 12-year-old boy with a cocktail waitress mom (who has a drinking problem) and an almost non-existent dad. He seems an unlikely person to effect change in the world but when his social studies teacher, Mr. Simonet gives the class an assignment, Trevor takes it to heart. The assignment is to "Think of an idea for world change and put it into action," and Trevor decides to "Pay it Forward." He'll do something good for 3 people and those people then each need to pay it forward and do three more good deeds. Unfortunately for Trevor his good deeds don't seem to be working (including trying to set up his mom with his social studies teacher) - but then the homeless man he helped saves a woman from suicide - and his mom and social studies teacher do seem to like each other.

Critical Evaluation

The author states that the movie "is not the world's most faithful adaptation" of her book but that she's still glad it was made. The movie is well-acted and well-meaning with an interesting premise but ends up being too much of a tear-jerker.

Reader/Viewer's Annotation

Twelve-year-old Trevor takes his social studies assignment to heart and tries to change the world 3 people at a time. He does good deeds for 3 people and then they're supposed to "pay it forward" and help 3 others.

Author Info

Author Catherine R. Hyde has written lots of books, both YA and adult. Her latest YA book, which should be released in 2010, is called Jumpstart the World. It's about a teenaged girl who falls in love with her older next door neighbor before realizing that he is transgender. The author was invited to the White House for the movie screening of Pay it Forward. She loves to hike, travel, kayak, fish and take photos of all those activities.


The movie is based on a realistic YA novel.

Curriculum Ties

Life Skills/ Social Studies - "Pay It Forward!"

Booktalking Ideas

1. The homeless man Trevor has helped sees a woman who is intent on jumping off a bridge. Explain how his actions were changed by Trevor.

2. Trevor's mom and his social studies teacher go on a date. She's a recovering alcoholic waitress and he's an uptight teacher with burn scars. What do they have in common?

Reading/ Interest Level

high school to adult

Challenge Issues and Defense

violence, bullying, alcoholism

Realistic portrayals not meant for younger teens. Good deeds emphasized.

Library's collection development policy.

The book was chosen an ALA Best Books for YA 2001

Why I Included This Movie Made From the Book

I liked the premise - excellent actors - and the book won YA awards. Recommended in Teen Genreflecting.

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